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Apply for bonded operations
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Bonded Warehouse
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Apply for bonded operations
Apply for bonded operations
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Application item
(BAA004E)Bonded factory apply for extension of the annual inventory date
(BAB003E)The EPZ enterprises apply to take annual inventory
(BAC002E)The EPZ enterprises apply to commission a certified accountant to take inventory verification.
(BAC003E)The EPZ enterprises apply to extend the date of taking annual inventory.
(BAC004E)The EPZ enterprises apply to take inventory without shutdown or during holidays
(BAC005E)The EPZ enterprises apply to extend the deadline of submitting Inventory statement.
(BAC006E)The EPZ enterprises apply to use and change bill of materials.
(BAC007E)The EPZ enterprises apply to add new model number to the bill of materials.
(BAC008E)The EPZ enterprises apply to extend the deadline of exhibition product.
(BAC009E)The EPZ enterprises apply to notify the serial number of computer release order
(BAD001E)Self-Policing Bonded Warehouse Apply to Recondition/Fill in application information/Warehouse name
(BAD002E)Self-Provided Bonded Warehouse goods transfer to outside for testing and inspection application case
(BAD003E)Self-Provided Warehouse had been approved outsourcing inspection to apply the extended deadline.
(BAE005E)Logistics center apply for extending date of approved outsouring reassemblage or simple processing
(BAF001E)Application for FTZ enterprises to report annual inventory
(BAF005E)Application for FTZ enterprises to report bill of materials and make alterations
(BAD004E)Report alteration in the paid-in capital amount of the bonded warehouse
(BAD015E)Application for bonded warehouse enterprises to report biennial revision
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